Abstract Guidelines
Please submit abstracts using our online system. We are accepting abstracts for either oral or poster presentation.
All submissions are subject to a blind peer-review process.
Please submit a structured abstract through our online submission system. The abstract should not contain abbreviations or references.
Background: What is the brief background of the study?
Objective: Why was the study conducted?
Methods: What did you do? How did you do it?
Results: What did you find, precisely?
Conclusion: Why are these findings important?
Please submit between two and six keywords, one in each field, in alphabetical order.
Each abstract will be limited to 300 words, excluding title. Please note that the title of your abstract should be 255 characters or shorter.
Here are some resources that may help you in developing your abstract:
• Make a Great First Impression: 6 Tips for Writing a Strong Abstract
• Ways to Reduce the Word Count in an Abstract